
Post date : 22-08-2015 | Category : Blog

Specialty of Duong Lam ancient village

Duong Lam ancient village is about 50 km from center of Hanoi where still conserve cultural value of Vietnamese ancient village. Visiting Duong Lam, tourists are not only have chance to visit the laterite ancient houses but also enjoy the delicious local dishes.

Soy sauce


Soy sauce:


Duong Lam is very famous for its soy sauce. Each family in Duong Lam ancient village also has few vases of soy sauce at their yard. To have a good bowl of soy sauce is very fussy. The key of the villagers is the water. The water to make soy sauce have to take from Giang well (the ancient well near by the temple of the mandarin Giang Van Minh). People said that the water from this laterite well is sweet and crystal clear. The vase of soy sauce will be dried under the sun in June – hottest time in the year. Duong Lam soy sauce always has a special flavor that nowhere else has. With a good soy sauce, Duong lam’s villagers also create many delicious dishes with this sauce: eggplant pickled with soy sauce, radish pickled with soy sauce or boiled pork pickled with soy sauce.


Che Kho:


Che Kho


Che kho is a delicious dish attractive to travelers. Che Kho is made from steamed green bean. After steaming the green bean, sugar is added and stirred with green been until the mixture become soft and smooth. Few sesame seeds will make Che Kho become more delicious. Che Kho is eaten when it cool and become harder. Taster uses the knife to cut it into many small pieces. Sipping a cup of tea while eating Che Kho, you will find the soft sweet and the fragrant of the green bean blend with green tea. 


Sausage candy


sausage candy


There is a shop of Duong Lam sausage candy near by the village’s gate – where tourist can easily find and buy it as a local specialty.  The ingredient to make sausage cake is very easy to find: malt, sugar and peanut. The process to make the cake is the most important, the candy maker need to be strong to stir the mixture. If the candy maker stirs slowly, the cake may be singed. After finishing, the cake will be rolling though glutinous rice flour to make the cover for the cake. Enjoying the Sausage cake, the taster will find the nutty flavor of the peanut, the fragrant of the glutinous rice flour, and a cup of green tea will make it be come more delicious.


Roasted pork with the stick


Roasted meat


The roasted pork in Duong Lam has a very special flavor. To have good roasted pork with the stick, the chosen meat should be good quality fresh bacon, the meat have a thick skin, not to much fat. After marinating with spices, the meat is tied on a stick and roasted on hot charcoal. The roasted pork with the stick has the crispy of the skin and the sweet flavor of meat after marinating.     


Mia chicken


Mia chicken



Mia is chicken specie at Mia area, Duong Lam village. The Mia chicken meat famous for a delicious taste: sweet and tough. The skin of Mia chicken is thin and has the bright yellow color. Villagers at Duong Lam believe that, Mia chicken is a precious dish, it symbolize for the full wealth of the family. In the past, this kind of chicken was the tribute to offer to the King.          


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